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Essential Obstetrics and Gynaecology IE

Authors: Ian M. Symonds, Sabaratnam Arulkumaran Publisher: Elsevier Edition: 6 Publish Year: 2019 ISBN: 9780702076398 Fetal development Screening for fetal anomaly: non-invasive prenatal testing Placenta accreta Infections acquired in pregnancy: Zika, Rubella Non-invasive prenatal testin Fetal Doppler examination, e.g. middle cerebral artery, ductus venosus Management of preterm labour: oxytocin antagonists Induction of labour: components of Bishop score Ectopic pregnancy: Caesarean scar ectopic, cornual ectopic Emergency contraception: ulipristal acetate Sterilization: salpingectomy Genital tract infections: role of sexual health clinic, contact tracing

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