Human Resource Management DeMYSTiFieD
Authors: Robert DelCampo Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education Edition: 1 Publish Year: 2010 ISBN: 9780071737241 Want to dive into human resources but your brain says, "Help wanted!"? No problem! Put Human ResourceManagement DeMYSTiFieD on the job, and you'll solve your dilemma in no time! Using a clear, step-by-step format, this practical guide provides a firm foundation in the basics of the field. You'll master all the key issues in human resources, like benefits, legal situations, hiring, training, outplacement, worker rights, and more. This fast and easy guide features: Tips on designing and implementing a hiring plan Tactics for developing and training new employees Strategies for writing job descriptions, recruiting applicants, and selecting employees Techniques for creating an effective compensation and benefits structure Simple enough for a beginner, but challenging enough for an advanced student, Human Resource Management DeMYSTiFieD has everything you need to build a solidfoundation in human resources.