تخطي للذهاب إلى المحتوى

General and Systematic Pathology


Authors: James C. E. Underwood, Simon S Cross Publisher: Jaypee Edition: 5 Publish Year: 2009 ISBN: 9780443068881 This highly acclaimed textbook is written specifically for students of medicine and related health science subjects. It progresses from a review of general pathology principles and disease mechanisms through detailed discussions of the pathologic entities associated with each organ system. Nearly 700 full-color photographs and pathology slides bring the content to life. The fifth edition features extensive updates throughout to reflect the latest discoveries in cellular and molecular pathology, and offers a web site that presents self-assessment material and illustrated clinical case studies. Contents perfectly matches needs on medical students. Very clinical approach matches integrated courses. Extensive International Advisory Board validates contents. Each organ system chapter begins with a brief review of normal structure and function, emphasizing aspects that are important to an understanding of the subsequently discussed disease processes. Offers a superb collection of clinical photographs, histopathology images, and graphics, approximately 700 in all, that richly depict the appearance of both healthy and diseased tissues.

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