CURRENT Diagnosis and Treatment Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Endoscopy
Authors: Norton Greenberger, Richard Blumberg, Robert Burakoff Publisher: Elsevier Edition: 2 Publish Year: 2011 ISBN: 9780071788434 Striking the perfect balance between comprehensiveness and ease of use, CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Gastroenterology, Hepatology, & Endoscopy, 2e, is essential for gastroenterologists, general internists, family physicians, and surgeons.The second edition has been updated to reflect the latest advances in diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy and the content is delivered in an easy-access, find-it-now presentation. High-yield coverage of the entire spectrum of gastroenterology and hepatology, from stomach and esophageal to pancreatic and liver disorders “Essentials of Diagnosis” bulleted lists deliver instant guidance on identifying both common and rare digestive disorders More than 60 full-color radiographic and endoscopic images of GI disorders Numerous tables encapsulate important information Key information from related fields, including GI surgery, and subspecialties such as liver transplantation, bariatric surgery, inflammatory bowel disease, and motility disorder Updated to include the latest therapeutic considerations