Design Requirements Engineering: A Ten-Year Perspective: Design Requirements Workshop, Cleveland, OH, USA, 2007, Revised and Invited Papers
Authors: Kalle Lyytinen, Pericles Loucopoulos, John Mylopoulos, William N. Robinson Publisher: Springer Edition: 1 Publish Year: 2009 ISBN: 9783540929659 Since its inception in 1968, software engineering has undergone numerous changes. In the early years, software development was organized using the waterfall model, where the focus of requirements engineering was on a frozen requirements document, which formed the basis of the subsequent design and implementation process. Since then, a lot has changed: software has to be developed faster, in larger and distributed teams, for pervasive as well as large-scale applications, with more flexibility, and with ongoing maintenance and quick release cycles. What do these ongoing developments and changes imply for the future of requirements engineering and software design? Now is the time to rethink the role of requirements and design for software intensive systems in transportation, life sciences, banking, e-government and other areas. Past assumptions need to be questioned, research and education need to be rethought.