EMS Respiratory Emergency Management Demystified
Authors: Peter DiPrima Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education Edition: 1 Publish Year: 2014 ISBN: 9780071820837 If you're looking for a fun, fast review that boils emergency airway and respiratory management to its mostessential, must-know points, your search ends here! EMS Respiratory Emergency Management Demystified is a complete yet concise overview of the basics of performing this critical procedure. This guide gives you the knowledge to help your patients as a student and as an EMT or paramedic once you start your career. You will learn how to perform an assessment of a patient's airway, managehis or her ventilation, utilize RSI, use best practices forspecial patient populations, and more. Studying is easy and effective with key objectives,important terms, brief overviews, tables and diagrams, and Q&As throughout the book.