Essentials of Marketing Management
Authors: Greg Marshall, Mark Johnston Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education Edition: 1 Publish Year: 2010 ISBN: 9780071082020 This is a textbook that instructors can connect with and students can learn from, in that it pulls them into the world of marketing through real-world applications. This textbook stays current by covering the hottest topics in this course area, such as Customer Relationship Management and Metrics, in a user-friendly, non-encyclopedic format. Marshall/Johnston's Essentials of Marketing Management has taken great effort to represent marketing management the way it is actually practiced in successful organisations today. In our view, leading and managing the aspects of marketing to improve individual, unit, and organisational performance- marketing management- is a core business activity. Its relevance is not limited to just marketing departments or marketing majors. And business students of all backgrounds should appreciate the impact of effective marketing management on their own professional careers as well on as the overall success of their organisations. Bottom line, the ability to do great marketing management is relevant to everyone in a firm.